#!/bin/env python # # parsemail.py # # (c) Alain Spineux alain.spineux@gmail.com import sys, os, re, StringIO import email, mimetypes invalid_chars_in_filename='<>:"/\\|?*\%\''+reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(y), range(32), '') invalid_windows_name='CON PRN AUX NUL COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 COM8 COM9 LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 LPT4 LPT5 LPT6 LPT7 LPT8 LPT9'.split() # email address REGEX matching the RFC 2822 spec from perlfaq9 # my $atom = qr{[a-zA-Z0-9_!#\$\%&'*+/=?\^`{}~|\-]+}; # my $dot_atom = qr{$atom(?:\.$atom)*}; # my $quoted = qr{"(?:\\[^\r\n]|[^\\"])*"}; # my $local = qr{(?:$dot_atom|$quoted)}; # my $domain_lit = qr{\[(?:\\\S|[\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e])*\]}; # my $domain = qr{(?:$dot_atom|$domain_lit)}; # my $addr_spec = qr{$local\@$domain}; # # Python's translation atom_rfc2822=r"[a-zA-Z0-9_!#\$\%&'*+/=?\^`{}~|\-]+" atom_posfix_restricted=r"[a-zA-Z0-9_#\$&'*+/=?\^`{}~|\-]+" # without '!' and '%' atom=atom_rfc2822 dot_atom=atom + r"(?:\." + atom + ")*" quoted=r'"(?:\\[^\r\n]|[^\\"])*"' local="(?:" + dot_atom + "|" + quoted + ")" domain_lit=r"\[(?:\\\S|[\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e])*\]" domain="(?:" + dot_atom + "|" + domain_lit + ")" addr_spec=local + "\@" + domain email_address_re=re.compile('^'+addr_spec+'$') class Attachment: def __init__(self, part, filename=None, type=None, payload=None, charset=None, content_id=None, description=None, disposition=None, sanitized_filename=None, is_body=None): self.part=part # original python part self.filename=filename # filename in unicode (if any) self.type=type # the mime-type self.payload=payload # the MIME decoded content self.charset=charset # the charset (if any) self.description=description # if any self.disposition=disposition # 'inline', 'attachment' or None self.sanitized_filename=sanitized_filename # cleanup your filename here (TODO) self.is_body=is_body # usually in (None, 'text/plain' or 'text/html') self.content_id=content_id # if any if self.content_id: # strip '<>' to ease searche and replace in "root" content (TODO) if self.content_id.startswith('<') and self.content_id.endswith('>'): self.content_id=self.content_id[1:-1] def getmailheader(header_text, default="ascii"): """Decode header_text if needed""" try: headers=email.Header.decode_header(header_text) except email.Errors.HeaderParseError: # This already append in email.base64mime.decode() # instead return a sanitized ascii string # this faile '=?UTF-8?B?15HXmdeh15jXqNeVINeY15DXpteUINeTJ9eV16jXlSDXkdeg15XXldeUINem15PXpywg15TXptei16bXldei15nXnSDXqdecINek15zXmdeZ?==?UTF-8?B?157XldeR15nXnCwg157Xldek16Ig157Xl9eV15wg15HXodeV15bXnyDXk9ec15DXnCDXldeh15gg157Xl9eR16rXldeqINep15wg15HXmdeQ?==?UTF-8?B?15zXmNeZ?=' return header_text.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii') else: for i, (text, charset) in enumerate(headers): try: headers[i]=unicode(text, charset or default, errors='replace') except LookupError: # if the charset is unknown, force default headers[i]=unicode(text, default, errors='replace') return u"".join(headers) def getmailaddresses(msg, name): """retrieve addresses from header, 'name' supposed to be from, to, ...""" addrs=email.utils.getaddresses(msg.get_all(name, [])) for i, (name, addr) in enumerate(addrs): if not name and addr: # only one string! Is it the address or is it the name ? # use the same for both and see later name=addr try: # address must be ascii only addr=addr.encode('ascii') except UnicodeError: addr='' else: # address must match address regex if not email_address_re.match(addr): addr='' addrs[i]=(getmailheader(name), addr) return addrs def get_filename(part): """Many mail user agents send attachments with the filename in the 'name' parameter of the 'content-type' header instead of in the 'filename' parameter of the 'content-disposition' header. """ filename=part.get_param('filename', None, 'content-disposition') if not filename: filename=part.get_param('name', None) # default is 'content-type' if filename: # RFC 2231 must be used to encode parameters inside MIME header filename=email.Utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(filename).strip() if filename and isinstance(filename, str): # But a lot of MUA erroneously use RFC 2047 instead of RFC 2231 # in fact anybody miss use RFC2047 here !!! filename=getmailheader(filename) return filename def _search_message_bodies(bodies, part): """recursive search of the multiple version of the 'message' inside the the message structure of the email, used by search_message_bodies()""" type=part.get_content_type() if type.startswith('multipart/'): # explore only True 'multipart/*' # because 'messages/rfc822' are also python 'multipart' if type=='multipart/related': # the first part or the one pointed by start start=part.get_param('start', None) related_type=part.get_param('type', None) for i, subpart in enumerate(part.get_payload()): if (not start and i==0) or (start and start==subpart.get('Content-Id')): _search_message_bodies(bodies, subpart) return elif type=='multipart/alternative': # all parts are candidates and latest is best for subpart in part.get_payload(): _search_message_bodies(bodies, subpart) elif type in ('multipart/report', 'multipart/signed'): # only the first part is candidate try: subpart=part.get_payload()[0] except IndexError: return else: _search_message_bodies(bodies, subpart) return elif type=='multipart/signed': # cannot handle this return else: # unknown types must be handled as 'multipart/mixed' # This is the peace of code could probably be improved, I use a heuristic : # - if not already found, use first valid non 'attachment' parts found for subpart in part.get_payload(): tmp_bodies=dict() _search_message_bodies(tmp_bodies, subpart) for k, v in tmp_bodies.iteritems(): if not subpart.get_param('attachment', None, 'content-disposition')=='': # if not an attachment, initiate value if not already found bodies.setdefault(k, v) return else: bodies[part.get_content_type().lower()]=part return return def search_message_bodies(mail): """search message content into a mail""" bodies=dict() _search_message_bodies(bodies, mail) return bodies def get_mail_contents(msg): """split an email in a list of attachments""" attachments=[] # retrieve messages of the email bodies=search_message_bodies(msg) # reverse bodies dict parts=dict((v,k) for k, v in bodies.iteritems()) # organize the stack to handle deep first search stack=[ msg, ] while stack: part=stack.pop(0) type=part.get_content_type() if type.startswith('message/'): # ('message/delivery-status', 'message/rfc822', 'message/disposition-notification'): # I don't want to explore the tree deeper her and just save source using msg.as_string() # but I don't use msg.as_string() because I want to use mangle_from_=False from email.Generator import Generator fp = StringIO.StringIO() g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False) g.flatten(part, unixfrom=False) payload=fp.getvalue() filename='mail.eml' attachments.append(Attachment(part, filename=filename, type=type, payload=payload, charset=part.get_param('charset'), description=part.get('Content-Description'))) elif part.is_multipart(): # insert new parts at the beginning of the stack (deep first search) stack[:0]=part.get_payload() else: payload=part.get_payload(decode=True) charset=part.get_param('charset') filename=get_filename(part) disposition=None if part.get_param('inline', None, 'content-disposition')=='': disposition='inline' elif part.get_param('attachment', None, 'content-disposition')=='': disposition='attachment' attachments.append(Attachment(part, filename=filename, type=type, payload=payload, charset=charset, content_id=part.get('Content-Id'), description=part.get('Content-Description'), disposition=disposition, is_body=parts.get(part))) return attachments def decode_text(payload, charset, default_charset): if charset: try: return payload.decode(charset), charset except UnicodeError: pass if default_charset and default_charset!='auto': try: return payload.decode(default_charset), default_charset except UnicodeError: pass for chset in [ 'ascii', 'utf-8', 'utf-16', 'windows-1252', 'cp850' ]: try: return payload.decode(chset), chset except UnicodeError: pass return payload, None if __name__ == "__main__": raw="""MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 2 Jul 2011 04:30:31 -0700 (PDT) Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 13:30:31 +0200 Delivered-To: alain.spineux@gmail.com Message-ID: Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dr.=20Pointcarr=E9?= From: Alain Spineux To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dr=2E_Pointcarr=E9?= Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=mixed --mixed Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=alternative --alternative Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hello World --alternative Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hello World

--alternative-- --mixed Content-Type: image/png; name="smile.png" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smile.png" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA4AAAAOBAMAAADtZjDiAAAAMFBMVEUQEAhaUjlaWlp7e3uMezGU hDGcnJy1lCnGvVretTnn5+/3pSn33mP355T39+//75SdwkyMAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4b AAAAB3RJTUUH2wcJDxEjgefAiQAAAAd0RVh0QXV0aG9yAKmuzEgAAAAMdEVYdERlc2NyaXB0aW9u ABMJISMAAAAKdEVYdENvcHlyaWdodACsD8w6AAAADnRFWHRDcmVhdGlvbiB0aW1lADX3DwkAAAAJ dEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAF1w/zoAAAALdEVYdERpc2NsYWltZXIAt8C0jwAAAAh0RVh0V2FybmluZwDA G+aHAAAAB3RFWHRTb3VyY2UA9f+D6wAAAAh0RVh0Q29tbWVudAD2zJa/AAAABnRFWHRUaXRsZQCo 7tInAAAAaElEQVR4nGNYsXv3zt27TzHcPup6XDBmDsOeBvYzLTynGfacuHfm/x8gfS7tbtobEM3w n2E9kP5n9N/oPZA+//7PP5D8GSCYA6RPzjlzEkSfmTlz+xkgffbkzDlAuvsMWAHDmt0g0AUAmyNE wLAIvcgAAAAASUVORK5CYII= --mixed-- """ if len(sys.argv)>1: raw=open(sys.argv[1]).read() msg=email.message_from_string(raw) attachments=get_mail_contents(msg) subject=getmailheader(msg.get('Subject', '')) from_=getmailaddresses(msg, 'from') from_=('', '') if not from_ else from_[0] tos=getmailaddresses(msg, 'to') print 'Subject: %r' % subject print 'From: %r' % (from_, ) print 'To: %r' % (tos, ) for attach in attachments: # dont forget to be careful to sanitize 'filename' and be carefull # for filename collision, to before to save : print '\tfilename=%r is_body=%s type=%s charset=%s desc=%s size=%d' % (attach.filename, attach.is_body, attach.type, attach.charset, attach.description, 0 if attach.payload==None else len(attach.payload)) if attach.is_body=='text/plain': # print first 3 lines payload, used_charset=decode_text(attach.payload, attach.charset, 'auto') for line in payload.split('\n')[:3]: # be careful console can be unable to display unicode characters if line: print '\t\t', line